
lazuli bunting造句


  1. Fire-following birds such as Lazuli Bunting and Black-chinned Sparrow also soon arrived.
  2. Birds such as grosbeaks, flycatchers, western tanagers, and lazuli buntings are common in the area.
  3. The peak is home to many species of birds, including blue-gray gnatcatchers, lazuli buntings, western blacklegged ticks.
  4. Their official account of this expedition included the first descriptions of the coyote, swift fox, western kingbird, band-tailed pigeon, rock wren, Say's phoebe, lesser goldfinch, lark sparrow, lazuli bunting, orange-crowned warbler, western ribbon snake.
  5. Forest birds common to the Hager Mountain area include mountain chickadee, Lazuli bunting, green-tailed towhee, MacGillivray's warbler, white-crowned sparrow, sage sparrow, black-headed grosbeak, Woodhouse's scrub jay, Pinyon jay, and black-billed magpie.
  6. It's difficult to find lazuli bunting in a sentence. 用lazuli bunting造句挺难的
  7. In the canyon, riparian and rimrock areas around the valley, there are mountain chickadees, finches, Townsend's solitaires, lazuli bunting, warbling vireo, black-chinned hummingbirds, black-headed grosbeaks, Steller's jays, yellow-rumped warblers, Wilson's warblers, red-naped sapsuckers, MacGillivray's warblers, mountain bluebirds, Lewis's woodpeckers, and saw-whet owls.
  8. Other bird species common to the area are Steller's jay, pinyon jay, scrub jay, American robin, hermit thrush, western bluebird, mountain bluebird, western meadowlark, horned lark, Cassin's finch, sagebrush sparrow, lark sparrows cedar waxwing, brown creeper, mountain chickadee, dark-eyed junco, red-breasted nuthatch, yellow-rumped warblers, red crossbill, northern oriole, green-tailed towhee, Lazuli bunting, plain titmouse, purple martin, cliff swallow, rock wren, Hammond's flycatcher, American dusky flycatcher, western kingbird, brown-headed cowbird, pine siskin, sage thrasher, and two hummingbird species.


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